Television advertising has long been the cornerstone of effective advertising for brands. Today, as content moves across screens and devices, multiscreen TV advertising continues to drive results throughout the marketing funnel.
Content is moving across screens and devices, but TV advertising—in all its forms—continues to thrive and drive results across all sections of the marketing funnel. However, reaching audiences has become more complicated.
Audiences have access to more premium TV content than ever before. But, as it proliferates across platforms and services, viewers are finding that the discovery process for new content is fragmented and frustrating. New research has found that 65% of viewers across the U.S. and Europe are spending more than 6 minutes searching for new content per viewing session.
Marketers have always struggled to understand the true ROI of their advertising campaigns. In fact, John Wanamaker’s poignant quote from the early 1900s, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half,” is just as relevant today as it was then.
There is no shortage of video content available for audiences to watch. Its ongoing proliferation combined with the convergence of new and traditional endpoints is shaking up the video ecosystem at large. And with TV’s evolution, the time is now to accurately define the medium.
The 2023 State of FAST, produced in partnership between Xumo and Comcast Advertising, explores the exponential growth of free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) among advertisers and consumers, and the role it is playing in modern multiscreen TV advertising plans today.
Despite economic challenges, advertisers remain optimistic about the value of the TV ecosystem as a core driver of their marketing goals. More than nine out of 10 advertisers expect to maintain or increase spending in streaming and free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) over the next 12 months, according to the second annual Comcast Advertising Report.
Get the latest insights on engagement and consumption trends across streaming and linear TV advertising. The 2023 Comcast Advertising Report provides actionable recommendations for the modern multiscreen TV advertiser to navigate today’s complex advertising ecosystem.
For all the talk of smartphones and other portable devices dominating consumer attention, households still spend nearly six hours a day watching TV, according to The TV Viewership Report produced in March by Effectv. And despite the popularity of time-shift viewing and the number of ad-free streaming services available, the majority of American viewers are still consuming plenty of what they consider “TV” with ads, much of it on a large display in their home.
Today’s marketers are evolving their media plans to keep pace with major changes in consumer video viewing habits. But planning their video investments can be especially confusing, with negative and misleading newsfeed headlines of dwindling TV audiences and the sentiment that streaming is the only way to reach young audience segments.